Tuesday, August 13, 2013


Five months old!
Sweet P is getting older right before my eyes. She is changing daily by the minute. I swear some days she wakes up barely able to get through the ABC's, and by lunch time she is reciting her favorite Walt Whitman poem: Give Me the Splendid, Silent Sun. (Duh.)
But in all honesty she is developing so quickly and it is a true joy to watch. Making a quick notation here of her development thus far will help me to remember it 18 years from now when she is leaving for college. Which will somehow end up feeling like tomorrow. 

*favorite toy: "go-go monkey"
*favorite way to pass the day: nursing
*least favorite way to pass the day: sleeping
*favorite book: Won't you be my Kissaroo?
*refuses to: leave home without a pacifier, a backup pacifier, and a backup to the    
*first taste of food: watermelon
*loves to: pull pacifier from own mouth
*hates to: not be able to put pacifier back in own mouth
*happiest when: snuggling right between mom and dad
*unhappiest when: riding in the car
*neat places you've visited: the world outside the womb, Oakland Zoo, Oakland Emergency Department- aka Oakland Zoo 2.0, Briones Stables, Carmel, Half Moon Bay, Monterey Bay Aquarium, Chinatown- SF, Giants Stadium, Old Town Sac via Amtrak

Sweet P, keep on doing what you're doing because it brings more happiness to your daddy and I than we ever thought possible. Except screaming on the top of your lungs during all car rides. You can quit doing that any time. 

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