Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Sprung a leak

After watching an episode of The Doctors I have changed up my workout routine. (On a side note, I do not make a habit of watching that show. It is a widely know fact that Emergency Room nurses are always hotter than the docs they roll with. Dr. Travis Stork is taking that fact and turning it upside down and stomping all over it. Not okay.) Anyhow, an equally attractive female costar of his mentioned that the best way to keep a healthy vagina is to skip out on underwear while exercising. She mentioned that it would be ok to wear a cotton brief, but then I would have a panty line and even Lulu Lemon can't make that look good. So I left the undies at home and headed out to Airobics. Bad idea. It seems the only thing keeping a small dribble of urine from reaching your pants while doing acrobatics on a trampoline is your underwear. It wasn't until we were fifteen minutes into class that I realized that small strip of fabric plays a more vital role than I once thought. Each jump, and worse yet, each landing, and I could tell I had made a mistake. In fact, I could FEEL I had made a mistake. Even using the bathroom right before and once during class can't fix the fact that I am three months out from a grueling birth.  Apparently I left my once iron clad bladder in the delivery room, and it took my favorite childish pastime to remind me that.  Thank goodness I was wearing black pants. 
*thinks to self* "I just hope we don't have to get into the splits anytime today."
*instructor* "ok, go ahead and get into a split position."
And did I mention this is the one and only time there has ever been someone else in the class? Yes. Today we were privileged to have a FULL class of 15.

TMI? Some of you reading this may be questioning my propensity to over share. But I have always been an open book and if anything, having a baby made me MORE willing to lay it all out there. I have NO problem letting the blogging world know that  sometimes I forget a breast pad and find myself in an impromptu wet t-shirt contest. (You always win when you run unopposed.) I can't remember the last time I haven't had a spit up stain on my otherwise trendy outfit. And occasionally during a jumping jack on a trampoline I leak urine. I used to be able to drink two liters of water during a 10 hour shift without stopping for a bathroom break. Not anymore. I willingly traded out my Fort Knox of a bladder for my new, improved, super sized heart. 

1 comment:

  1. Hahah this is hilarious, and sooo true! It gets better though, but next time keep the undies on and maybe a panty liner lol!
