Friday, June 14, 2013

This is going to hurt

There are a few things I know about Tuesday. 
1- it comes right after Monday
2- immediately before Wednesday
3- aerobics classes are NEVER with Drill Sargeant (D.S)
So you can imagine my surprise when I arrived to class on my "easy" day to find D.S. waiting for me. And only me. This was going to be one hour of direct attention from my teenage torturer. No skipping a push-up or a lap today. He would catch me and punish me if I even THOUGHT about fibbing.
 "I swear I was on #88. Are you sure I have only done 12?!"
"Get down and give me 20. Now!"

Besides having my ass handed to me, I also got an opportunity to see a softer, more human side to D.S. He told me after high school he had plans to become an RN! He told me he hoped to go to Saint Mary's! Seriously, we are like two peas in a pod! (You know when one pea clearly zaps all the size and strength from the second pea- leaving one robust and delicious and the other shriveled and ridiculous looking. We are kinda like that type of pod.) He informed me that the only thing keeping him from being a Gael is the cost. He opened up to share with me and I realized we have some big things in common. And then...then it was my turn to talk and I came up with this: "well you can get scholarships and you're a male minority so that helps." *crickets* Opps. I think the rigorous workout had my brain oxygen deprived.
 "Umm, I hope I didn't offend you. I just meant that there are more scholarships available to" (he interrupts)
 "to my people?" 
Damn. There is no way out of this one. He chuckled and told me "nah, I get it. You're just looking out for me. Now let's get back to work. Nobody likes flabby thighs." 
"Well, now we are even because you just called me flabby." 
"Nope. You called me a minority. I have a few more jabs until we are even." Let the ridicule continue...
5 minutes later:
"I think I am getting a blister on my foot so I may not be able to do some of the exercises as well."
"Hard to believe it could get any worse."
5 minutes later:
"Time for crunches. Do twenty. Actually, how old are you?"
"Whoa, seriously? I didn't think you were that old."

Ok, surely NOW we are even!
5 minutes later:
"This next exercise will work on your 'spare tire'."

Just as I expected when I saw Drill Sargent on this dreadful Tuesday, class was long. But I had no plans on it being long AND humiliating. I can only hope that I pissed him off enough to not show up on Thursday. 

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